Sunday, February 17, 2013

What does my wife, clam chowder, and pocking the cah have in common?

You'll have to read this entire post to find out.

Kristi-Anne was too sick to run the Donna marathon relay.  I took her place.  I don't know all of the details, but it's possible she had a bad case of the runs (see photo above to understand joke).

It was extremely cold for Florida.  Some of us (Kim) had to sit in a Uhaul to stay warm before her turn.

Separate topic: Have you ever seen Born in East L.A.?

Others were too hot for their clothes.  I guess Cadillac's have better insulation and heaters than Uhauls.

Our team (in reverse photo, but proper running order).  Rhiannon, Kim, Eric, me, Alan.

Jen ran the marathon all by herself.  I guess she didn't make the cut to run with our team :)

She decided to leave articles of clothing along the course.  Maybe it was like bread crumbs so she can find her way home.  (Notice the lack of one arm warmer and whatever was in charge of holding that crazy hair down)

Oh yeah.  She also QUALIFIED FOR BOSTON!!!  For those that don't know how amazing that is: You cannot buy your way into the Boston Marathon.  You must earn it by being ridiculously fast.  My wife, Jennifer Lockrem, has earned an entry into the Boston Marathon.  That is one of the most amazing things I've ever typed.  I'm so proud of her.


  1. Her crossing the finish line was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Still bringing tears to my eyes, thinking about it.

  2. p.s.
    The captchas get harder, the more comments you leave in a day.
